Sunday, December 7, 2008

December 7th

5 Nice Things About Today

1. The Cutting Edge was on tv! I'd been wanting to see that again for such a long time.

2. A friend sent me to listen to this speech.

3. There was a very talented mouse on cute overload.

I was most impressed. Though more by the mouse or the person who made the obstacle course, I could not say.

4. Typing this won't do it justice, but it's from a Noël Coward play. Said in a petulantly, with lots of sob in the voice: "Last night you said I was the one the you'd been searching for always, and now that you found me you'd never let me go." Then the glamorous sweeping voice "That was perfectly true! I never shall let you go! You will be here in my heart forever." I felt the need to rush down the stairs and quote it to jaja, and then we declared it to each other with many sweeping arm gestures.

5. We ate dinner by candle light.

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