Monday, December 15, 2008

December 15th

1. I changed a hole in my sock, so that it now looks like a very happy ninja. As you can see:

2. This series of bloopers made me very happy. I keep playing it over and over. I would also like to see the whole skit.

3. The Verve remix of Ella Fitzgerald singing What Are You Doing New Years Eve? is also making me very happy. It's another thing I keep playing over and over.

4. One of the multiple choice questions on my exam was "Which person does the homunculus in the somatosensory cortex look most like?" the correct answer was Mick Jagger, because of his extremely large sensuous lips.

5. I worked up the courage to overcome my shyness of strangers and wander up to a friend of a friend who is in my class, and who also admitted to being shy the one time I met her.

Some sheep who seem a little confused about what mood to be in, like me.

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