Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fruit Bowl :)

Today after I finished my show at the AGO a little girl came up to me to show me her drawing that she had done at the drawing station. She was adorable, maybe 4 years old. I wish I had a picture of her drawing! She pointed at different blobs of colour that were contained by a brown circle and told me all the different fruits that they were and then we talked a little bit about which fruits were our favourite. In her drawing of the fruit bowl (that she said she might fill in with more brown later so it looked more bowl-y) there was a cherry, a blueberry, a strawberry, a banana, a tomato and a chocolate chip (!). And then she told me: "I brought this over for you since I thought you might be tired and hungary after your perfornance."



Filly said...


Emberella Cat said...

I retold this story to just about everyone. awww indeed!