2. I found a fantabulous blog with good pictures. Such as:
The killer seagull:

The Piranha:

The Manatee:

and The Excellent One About Hats:

3. My poet friend S. William's wrote a poem that pleased me. Et voila:
Pure Trouble
Here comes trouble
with bright red lips
stickin' her chest out
and shakin' her hips.
Yeah, she's gorgeous
but what's it do ya?
when her deep blue eyes
cut right through ya.
She doesn't need
the meager thrill
of going in
for the kill
on any schmuck
who's in her path.
She's pretty, yeah,
but do the math.
She knows she's hot
and I'll agree,
her look does certain
things to me,
but when I see through
her shallow game:
That girl is trouble
and that's a shame.
4. My advent calendar is hanging up, looking delicious.
5. Jaja and Kryptonite drew on a SNAP newspaper to make the characters entirely different. Now one's a puppet, the other is an animae in a rather daring outfit (it, is Jaja points out, not done).

ps. A sheep...

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