1. Dad and I bought a very frozen very tall christmas tree - one of the last 7 in the lot. The back door of our car wouldn't open, so we manouvered it through one of the windows. It was so tall that it wouldn't fit entirely inside the car, and the tip of it peered out over Dad's shoulder as he drove.
2. I brought home dogwood and rosehips to decorate dad's place with. Lovely, delicate, and red.
3. I talked to Dez about wanting to switch genders, and his explination, which can be partially encapsuled by... wanting to make it easier for people to put you in a category you're comfortable with so that they stop worrying about how to categorize you, and start getting to know you... gave me a sense of understanding, and an ability to relate, and made the world less of a crazy place and to quote Browning "God's in his heaven, alls right with the world."
4. I saw Capone and Dez and Summi and Kippen and Nanermellon and met the infamous Rock. It is always pleasing to hang out with friends.
5. We have about a million ornaments ready and waiting to hang on the tree... it's very exciting.
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