Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'd like one in extra fluffy.

I went to the Royal Winter Fair. All the cows were getting their hair cut, blow dried, brushed, and styled. It was extremely cute.
I would like one of these cows:

Their emo hair cuts and short stubby legs combined with extreme fluffiness were extremely appealing. We watched them being presented in the ring, and some of them got stubborn and grumpy, and walked into other cows, mooed expressively, and did their best to walk in any direction but the one their owners wanted to go. I really liked them. I asked Kryptonite if I could take one home as a pet and keep it in my backyard. I'm sure Mummy wouldn't mind...

1 comment:

Nanermellon said...

Loooove their BonJovi do's!!!